Technology Support » Parents


Technology Support
Parents if your student needs technological assistance they can submit a ticket (and will be called out of class) or they can come to the Tech Office during dedicated office hours. We urge parents to call during our office hours as we can not guarantee we will be in the office to answer the phone outside of office hours. Parents are welcomed in-person if they need assistance; techs will be on campus from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. 
New Students
Any new student at Foshay Learning Center will be issued a Chromebook and the necessary information to access their school work if they decide not to opt-out. It can take up to 24 hours after the student has been enrolled before they appear in our system. We ask that parents read the Technology Responsibility Agreement and go over the Care and Use of Chromebooks with their student.  
Village Students (K-5)
For any students in the Village, we ask parents to fill out a ticket for them (using their email) or ask their teachers to submit one for them. The parent is not required to take the device to the technology office, our techs will go to the village to assist the students there. 
If your student is new or needs a new device please ask their teacher to submit a ticket. Our techs will supply them with a Chromebook, set up their school account, and provide them with their necessary login information.


Personal Devices

Personal devices are allowed at the parent and student's own risk if they choose to opt-out of using a school-issued Chromebook. LAUSD and Foshay Learning Center take NO responsibility or liability for your device. That there is no way for the school to track personal devices or lock them remotely. The best procedure for any stolen device is to report it to a staff member and create a police report. The student needs to provide a description of the device's make/model and markings (i.e. stickers, personalization, etc.) for staff to keep an eye out.


Personal devices do not have access to LAUSD testing apps. Students are aware of testing dates and should visit the Technology Office to have a Chromebook temporarily assigned to them before the day of testing.


Leaving Foshay LC/ LAUSD

If a student is being transferred to another school parents are required to turn in any devices that were assigned to the student during their enrollment at Foshay Learning Center. If the student is leaving the LAUSD, all devices are required to be turned in. We recommend for a parent to check with the school's techs to confirm there aren't any devices assigned to the student before they leave.