School Based Management
What is School Based Management?
• Is a form of district organization
• Alters the governance of education
• Represents a shift of authority toward decentralization
• Identifies the school as the primary unit of educational change
• Moves and increased decision-making power to the local school site.
How does SBM work?
On-site administrators, such as the principal--in collaboration with teachers, staff members, students, parents and other invested members of the community as well--become responsible for:
1. the distribution of money $$$.....
2. allocation of resources
3. changes in instructional programs
4. school calendar
5 bell schedule.
1. the distribution of money $$$.....
2. allocation of resources
3. changes in instructional programs
4. school calendar
5 bell schedule.
SBM has jurisdiction over the 5 following areas:
1. Staff Professional Development
2. Student Discipline Guidelines and Code of Student Conduct
3. Schedule of school activities and events, and special schedules
4. Guidelines for use of school equipment, including the copy machine
5. Some budgetary matters
Group Norms:
1. Do what is best for students.
2. Do not make things personal; do not take things personal.
3. Council decisions are made by consensus. Formal votes will be taken only as a last resort.
4. Council members support and uphold decisions reached by the council.
5. No individual will be allowed to dominate the discussion of agenda items.
6. The council will discuss only those items it has a direct affect upon.
7. Statements or ideas have no ownership.
Thumbs up - I find the decision perfect.
Thumbs sideways - I can live with the decision even though I'm not especially enthusiastic about it. However, I will not block the decision because I trust the wisdom of the group.
Thumbs down - I do not agree with the decision and feel the need to stand in the way of this decision being accepted. We need to do more work before consensus can be reached.