Marie Tinson » Welcome to Ms. Tinson's page

Welcome to Ms. Tinson's page

Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year
Hello. I am Marie Tinson the Standard English Learner Language Instructional Coach. It is my privilege to serve in this capacity for a second year.
Standard English Learners will engage in grade-level academic discourse through rigorous tasks and instruction in validating and affirming classrooms through culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy (CLRP) facilitated by growth-oriented educators.
The Academic English Mastery Program is a comprehensive, research-based program designed to address the language and literacy needs of African American, Mexican American, Hawaiian American, and American Indian students for whom Standard English is not native. The program incorporates into the curriculum instructional strategies that facilitate the acquisition of standard and academic English in classroom environments that validate, value, and build upon the language and culture of the students.
My essential responsibilities include:
• Analyzing student work and data for Instructional Purposes
• Provide push-in instructional support for Standard English Learners
• Support instructional services for Standard English Learners
• Working collaboratively with teachers and the leadership team
• Supporting Standard English Learner families
I look forward to working with and supporting our students, teachers, and families.
Kind regards,
Ms. Tinson