Middle School » Grade 8 Math & Science Syllabus

Grade 8 Math & Science Syllabus

Foshay Learning Center    
Algebra 1AB        
Course Syllabus
8th Grade

Course Description: 
 A disciplined study of Real numbers and their properties, algebraic expressions, polynomials, expo¬nents, radicals; algebraic relations and functions, the theory of equations and inequalities with emphasis on how to solve them and graph them. 

Course Objectives (California State Standards):

    Upon completion of Algebra 1, students must be able to…

  1. Use order of operations to help them simplify algebraic expressions and they must know and understand the properties of the number system and be able to use them effectively in solving Equations and Inequalities.  These properties are:
    1. Identity Property
    2. The Commutative Property
    3. The Associative Property
    4. The Distributive property
    5. Inverse Properties:
      1. Additive Inverse
      2. Multiplicative Inverse
    6. Zero Product Property
  2. Analyze problems (not excluding word problems) and structure appropriate steps to finding their solutions
  3. Understand and explain what relations are and how to represent them algebraically (using variables) from: tables, verbal statements, geometric diagrams, and graphs.  They must be able to test the validity of the relations by substituting numbers.
  4. Understand Linear Equations and Systems of Linear Equations.  That includes knowing how to express them algebraically and graphically, how to interpret both the expression and the graph.
  5. Understand Quadratic functions and knowing how to express them algebraically and graphically, how to interpret both the expression and the graph.
  6. Solve for x or y in Linear and Quadratic Equations and understand their graphs. 
  7. Rational Expressions: Simplifying them, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing them.  This includes solving Rational equations in the context of rate, work, and percent mixture problems.

Course Texts: ALGEGRA Connections by Dietiker, Kysh, Sallee &Hoey, Algebra 1 California Edition by Prentice Hall.

Grading Scale:         
A -------100%-90%            
F---------55% and below

Grades will be composed of :
1.    Warm-ups
2.    Class work 
3.    Homework
4.    Assessments (Quizzes, tests, projects)
5.    Notebook

Assessment Strategies
Knowing when assessments such as quizzes, tests, etc. will be given is a key strategy to performing well in this class.  You may have pretests, or practice tests may be in the form of a graded warm-up, open book tests, “Accelerated Math,”  homework/ class work tests.

Regular Attendance (Missed exams or assignments):  Regular attendance is essential for this course to make sense to you.  If a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to get the notes, work covered and/or assessments and bring it to me the following day after his/her return.  

Lateness: Go to “TNT,” which means tolerate no tardies!!

Class Participation:  Class participation is the way students will learn to apply, analyze, and synthesize.  In order for this to take place students need to be active and therefore class participation is expected.  Class participation will be rewarded with “Work Habits” and/or “Cooperation.”

Necessary tools: Composition book, three ring binder (with 3 dividers), notebook paper, graph paper, pencils (2 minimum), blue or black ink pens (for notes only!!), eraser, pencil sharpener or correct pencil lead. 

Semester 1

Quarter 1 (Assessed by Quarterly Assessment Week 7-8):  Algebra Readiness

  1. Number Properties and Arithmetic Operations, including squaring and taking roots (Stand. 2.0
    1. Integers
    2. Fractions
    3. Decimals (rates, ratios, percent problems)
  2. Simplify numerical expressions using order of operations including distributive property
  3. Understand the meaning of variables & variable expressions
  4. Translate phrases into algebraic expressions
  5. Evaluate variable expressions
  6. Solve simple equations using mental math (guess & check)
  7. Solving One-variable Equations including proportions. (Stand. 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
  8. Absolute Value concept in simple equations
  9. Solve one variable inequalities
  10. Solving & Graphing on a number line One-variable Equations absolute value. (Stand. 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
  11. Solving & Graphing on a number line One-variable Inequalities absolute value. (Stand. 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)

Quarter  2 (Assessed by Quarterly Assessment Week 15-16):

  1. Solving One-variable Equations including proportions. (Stand. 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
  2. Solving & Graphing on a number line One-variable Equations absolute value. (Stand. 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
  3. Solving & Graphing on a number line One-variable Inequations absolute value. (Stand. 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
  4. Understanding Patterns, Linear “Relations” & “Functions” and their graphs. (Stand 17.0, 18.0)
  5. Understanding the slope of a line and the Structure of Linear Equations
  6. Graphing on a coordinate plane one and 2 variable equations using 3 different techniques (Stand. 6.0)
    1. Table
    2. x & y intercepts
    3. slope-intercept method (y= mx+b) 
  7. Verify that a point lies on, above, or below a line. (Stand. 7.0)
  8. Calculate the slope of a line
  9. Derive a linear equations using Point-slope formula. (Stand. 7.0)
    1. Given slope & point
    2. Given 2 points
    3. Given that it’s parallel or perpendicular to a given line
  10. Sketch the region defined by a linear inequality. (Stand. 6.0)
  11. Identify characteristics of slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines. Finding the equation of a line perpendicular to a given line, that passes through a known point. (Stand. 8.0)
Semester 2

Quarter 3 (Assessed by Quarterly Assessment Week 7-8)

  1. Solving Systems of Equations (Stand. 9.0) By:
    1. Graphing
    2. Substitution
  2. The Elimination Method (Addition Method /Linear Combination Method)
  3. Solving Systems of Inequalities by graphing (Stand. 9.0)
  4. Solving for both variables of Quadratic Equations by:
    1. Graphing (Stand. 21.0)
    2. Using the Quadratic Formula (Stand. 20.0)

Quarter 4 (Assessed by CST: Track A & B towards end of May; Track C end of March)

  1. Adding and Subtracting Polynomials (Stand. 10.0)
  2. Multiplying Polynomials (stand. 10.0)
  3. Factoring second & 3rd degree Polynomials ( Stand. 11.0)
  4. Dividing Polynomials (Stand. 10.0)
  5. Solving Quadratic Equation by: (Stand. 14.0)
    1. Factoring
    2. Completing the Square
    3. Quadratic Equation
  6. Simplifying Rational Expressions (Stand. 12.0)
  7. Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and Solving Rational Expressions (Stand. 13.0)
  8. Solving rational equations (Stand 15.0 rate, work & percent mixture problems
8th Grade Science Course Outline

Instructor name:
Contact information:

Course Title: 
Science 8
Course Description
During the school year, the eighth graders are taking Physical Science in which they will be learning about motion, forces, basic chemistry, and astronomy.    

Grade level: Eighth grade
    Prentice Hall Focus on Physical Science
•    1 3-ring binder (minimum 2” rings) or accordion portfolio
•    5 subject dividers
•    1 70-page spiral notebook (ONLY 70 pages)
•    12 colored pencils (ONLY 12)
•    2 pens (dark blue or black)
•    1 different colored pen (red, green, pink etc.)
•    2 pencils (NOT automatic or lead pencils)
•    1 SMALL, inexpensive ($2-$3) calculator
•    1 pencil sack to carry the materials listed above
•    loose-leaf paper
Lab Safety
Instructors are to review with students the safety policy in the science classroom.  A  Science Safety Contract must be signed by students and parents.  Instructors reserve the right to exclude from laboratory work any student who does not abide by the safety policy of the school.
Missed Exams or Assignments
(at the discretion of each instructor)

Grading Scale
Standard Academic grade scale:
  • 100 – 90    A
  • 89 – 80    B
  • 79 – 70    C
  • 69 – 60    D
  • <59        F

Departmental Grading Policy

Grades are earned based on a total point system, i.e. the total points that you earned is divided by the total possible points to give your percentage.*

e.g.     You have earned a total number of 850 points.  The total number of points possible is 1000.
850 ÷ 1000 = .850 X 100 = 85%

*6th Grade science teachers will adhere to the 6th Grade department grading policy.
* Special Day Class students will receive differential grading criteria (i.e. Curved grade, participation and class assignment)

Criteria for Marks in Work Habits & Cooperation

E - Consistently tries to understand the purpose of his/her classwork pays close attention and follows quickly.
S - Usually tries to understand the purpose of his/her classwork, generally is attentive, and follows directions.
U - Seldom tries to understand the purpose of his/her classwork, is inattentive, and generally disregards directions. 

E - Consistently assumes responsibility for having the necessary tools and materials and immediately goes to work. 
S - Usually assumes responsibility for having necessary materials and goes to work with little urging.
U - Seldom has the necessary tools and materials and rarely works, with urging. 

E - Maintains an excellent attendance record by consistently avoiding unnecessary absence or tardiness. 
S - Maintains an average attendance record by generally avoiding unnecessary absence or tardiness.
U - Maintains a poor attendance record by rarely avoiding unnecessary absence or tardiness.

E -  Carefully evaluates or rechecks his/her work and willingly revises it to achieve maximum accuracy and efficiency. 
S - Generally rechecks his/her work and makes minor revisions to assure increasing accuracy and efficiency.
U - Seldom bother to recheck his/her work.