Middle School » Grade 7 Math & Science Syllabus

Grade 7 Math & Science Syllabus

Mathematics Syllabus
7th Grade

Course Descriptions/Objectives
Students will receive instruction based on current state standards as set organized in the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through 12th Grade for the Grade 7 Standards.

Prentice Hall
CPM (Foundations for Algebra year 2)

Grading Scale/Rubric
Weighted:  Classwork (15%), Homework (25%), Class Participation (5%), Quizzes/Tests (35%), Notes (20%)

Assessment Strategies
Culminating tasks
Traditional test (standards based)
Authentic assessments (journal, projects)

Attendance, lateness
For excused absence(s) student receives extra day(s) to turn in the assignment without penalty.  For tardy students, no exceptions will be afforded; students are responsible for all missing work, whether they are present or not.

Class participation
Group collaboration, in-class activities (correcting homework/classwork, taking notes, etc).  Talking and disruptive/disrespectful behavior will not be permitted and will negatively affect Work Habits and Cooperation grades.

Missed exams or assignments
Make-up exams must be taken within 3 days of absence.  No late assignments will be accepted as a general policy; exceptions given on situational basis.

Course Calendar/Schedule
Refer to Instructional Guide.
Science Department Course Outline
7th Grade

Instructor name:

Contact information: 
Course Title: Science 7
Course Description
During the first semester, the seventh graders are taking Life Science in which they will be learning about cell biology, living things, genetic information, the history of the earth and what it tells us about how organisms have evolved over time, classification of living things, and how the structure of each organism allows it to survive.     

Grade level: Seventh grade
    Prentice Hall Focus on Life Science
    Glencoe Teen Health (Course 2)
•    1 3-ring binder (minimum 2” rings) or accordion portfolio
•    5 subject dividers (if using a binder)
•    1 70-page spiral notebook (ONLY 70 pages)
•    12 colored pencils (ONLY 12)
•    2 pens (dark blue or black)
•    1 different colored pen (green, pink (NO RED) etc.)
•    2 pencils (NOT automatic or lead pencils)
•    1 SMALL, inexpensive ($2-$3) calculator
•    1 pencil sack to carry the materials listed above
•    loose-leaf paper
Lab Safety:
Instructors are to review with students the safety policy in the science classroom.  A  Science Safety Contract must be signed by students and parents.  Instructors reserve the right to exclude from laboratory work any student who does not abide by the safety policy of the school.

Missed Exams or Assignments:
(at the discretion of each instructor)

Grading Scale:
Standard Academic grade scale:
  • 100 – 90    A
  • 89 – 80    B
  • 79 – 70    C
  • 69 – 60    D
  • <59        F

Departmental Grading Policy:

Grades are earned based on a total point system, i.e. the total points that you earned is divided by the total possible points to give your percentage.*

e.g.     You have earned a total number of 850 points.  The total number of points possible is 1000.
850 ÷ 1000 = .850 X 100 = 85%

*6th Grade science teachers will adhere to the 6th Grade department grading policy.
*Special Day Class students will receive differential grading criteria (i.e. Curved grade, participation and class assignment).

Criteria for Marks in Work Habits & Cooperation

E - Consistently tries to understand the purpose of his/her classwork pays close attention and follows quickly.
S - Usually tries to understand the purpose of his/her classwork, generally is attentive, and follows directions.
U - Seldom tries to understand the purpose of his/her classwork, is inattentive, and generally disregards directions. 

E - Consistently assumes responsibility for having the necessary tools and materials and immediately goes to work. 
S - Usually assumes responsibility for having necessary materials and goes to work with little urging.
U - Seldom has the necessary tools and materials and rarely works, with urging. 

E - Maintains an excellent attendance record by consistently avoiding unnecessary absence or tardiness. 
S - Maintains an average attendance record by generally avoiding unnecessary absence or tardiness.
U - Maintains a poor attendance record by rarely avoiding unnecessary absence or tardiness.

E -  Carefully evaluates or rechecks his/her work and willingly revises it to achieve maximum accuracy and efficiency. 
S - Generally rechecks his/her work and makes minor revisions to assure increasing accuracy and efficiency.
U - Seldom bother to recheck his/her work.