Middle School » Grade 6 Math & Science Syllabus

Grade 6 Math & Science Syllabus

Foshay Learning Center
6th Grade Math 
Class Syllabus 

Course Description for 6th Grade Math:
Students in the 6th grade focus on active engagement with numbers by focusing on conceptual understanding, computational and procedural skills, and problem solving. The 6th grade standards require students to study the following areas: rational numbers, algebraic thinking, proportional reasoning, statistics, data analysis, probability, and plane and solid shapes. Students will increase their understanding of the course material by participating in homework, class work, quizzes, tests, group and individual projects, independent problem solving, and oral presentations.

Materials required:
One 3-ring binder, lined paper, dividers, 2 or more pens (blue or black), 2 or more pencils, a ruler, and a pencil sharpener. To maintain an Excellent Work Habits grade, your child needs to bring all materials and assigned textbooks to class. 

The textbook used in this course is the 6th Grade California Mathematics Edition published by Scott Foresman.

Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. Homework is due the day after it was assigned, unless directed otherwise. Late work will be accepted within 2 days only, BUT each day late will decrease by one grade.

Grading Scale:
In each class students, will be graded based on the following criteria:

➢    Tests/Quizzes        35%
➢    Projects/Presentations    35%
➢    Class work             10%
➢    Homework            10%
➢    Class Participation    10%

➢    A =  90 – 100%
➢    B =  80 – 89%
➢    C =  70 – 79%
➢    D =  55 – 69%
➢    F =  0 – 54%

Students should make an effort to attend school every day.  Please refer to Operation Bright Future for further details and the school’s TNT policy in Student Agenda.

Missed exams or assignments:
Late work should be turned in within two days of absence.  Full credit will not be given for any late work, unless student is absent. If student misses an exam due to an excused absence he or she will be able to take a make-up exam within two days of return.  

Unit 1: 
➢    Relationships among decimals, fractions, and percents
➢    Understand basic arithmetic operations on fractions

Unit 2:  
➢    Understand variables and expressions as symbolic representations of numerical values
➢    Understand equations
➢    Understand and use ratios, proportions, percents and rates

Unit 3:
➢    Understand and use methods for selecting a representative sample of a population 
➢    Understand the factors that influence the validity and interpretation of data
➢    Understand that the probability of an event is between 0 and 1
➢    Understand the difference between dependent and independent events

Unit 4:
➢    Understand that the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is the same for any circle 
➢    Understand the properties of two dimensional figures
➢    Understand the properties of three dimensional figures

Science Department Course Outline
6th Grade

Instructor name: 
Contact information:   Foshay Learning Center  323-735-0241

Course Title:  Science/Health 6
Course Description:

The sixth grade focus in Science is on Earth science.  During this school year, sixth graders learn about the structure of the Earth, plate tectonics, continental drift, catastrophic events, energy on Earth, through populations and ecosystems.  
Additionally, sixth graders will study Health, with the focus on the structure and systems of the body, drug education, and personal growth.


    Prentice Hall Focus on Earth Science
    Glencoe Teen Health (Course 1)

•    1 3-ring binder (minimum 2” rings) or accordion portfolio
•    5 subject dividers (if using a binder)
•    1 70-page spiral notebook (ONLY 70 pages)
•    12 colored pencils (ONLY 12)
•    2 pens (dark blue or black)
•    1 different colored pen (red, green, pink etc.)
•    2 pencils (NOT automatic or lead pencils)
•    1 SMALL, inexpensive ($2-$3) calculator
•    1 pencil sack to carry the materials listed above
•    loose-leaf paper
Lab Safety

Instructors are to review with students the safety policy in the science classroom.  A  Science Safety Contract must be signed by students and parents.  Instructors reserve the right to exclude from laboratory work any student who does not abide by the safety policy of the school.

Missed Exams or Assignments

1.    Point will be deducted for the late submission
2.    For the repetition of missing assignment, the parent/guardian will be notified.

Grading Scale
Using a 4-point rubric in Science/Health.  Rubric grading allows for clarity and expectations.  (As compared to the letter grades:  4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D, 0=F)

Departmental Grading Policy
70%     Quizzes, tests, projects, presentations
20%    Classwork and Homework
10%     Class participation

* Special Day Class students will receive differential grading criteria (i.e. Curved grade, participation and class assignment).

Criteria for Marks in Work Habits & Cooperation

E - Consistently tries to understand the purpose of his/her classwork pays close attention and follows quickly.
S - Usually tries to understand the purpose of his/her classwork, generally is attentive, and follows directions.
U - Seldom tries to understand the purpose of his/her classwork, is inattentive, and generally disregards directions. 

E - Consistently assumes responsibility for having the necessary tools and materials and immediately goes to work. 
S - Usually assumes responsibility for having necessary materials and goes to work with little urging.
U - Seldom has the necessary tools and materials and rarely works, with urging. 

E - Maintains an excellent attendance record by consistently avoiding unnecessary absence or tardiness. 
S - Maintains an average attendance record by generally avoiding unnecessary absence or tardiness.
U - Maintains a poor attendance record by rarely avoiding unnecessary absence or tardiness.

E -  Carefully evaluates or rechecks his/her work and willingly revises it to achieve maximum accuracy and efficiency. 
S - Generally rechecks his/her work and makes minor revisions to assure increasing accuracy and efficiency.
U - Seldom bother to recheck his/her work.