Technology Support » Chromebook Request

Chromebook Request

If you do not have a Chromebook, please go see Mr. Castro or Ms. Sandoval in the Tech Office (room N213) during office hours and they will issue you a Chromebook that you can use both at school and at home.
If you do not have a Chromebook and you do not have WiFi access at home, then you will need to request a device from the district. The device will have LTE (cellular) connection to the internet.
Submit  a request at
Answer 'Yes' to the question 'Do you need a device' and
'Yes' to the question 'Do you need internet access at home'. 
It could take up to two weeks for the district to deliver the Chromebook to your student. When the Chromebook is delivered to the school, the student will be called from their classroom to pick up the device. 
Please do not call the school or send the student to the tech office. We do not know when we will get the delivery. We are aware that you will receive a request receipt with a barcode but it does not mean that Foshay has received the Chromebooks. This barcode simply speeds up the process when the devices do finally arrive.